The Amazing Afterlife of Animals by Karen A. Anderson

The Amazing Afterlife of Animals by Karen A. Anderson

Author:Karen A. Anderson
Language: eng
Format: epub
Tags: General Nonfiction
Publisher: Karen A. Anderson
Published: 2018-02-02T00:00:00+00:00

What Is it Like on the Other Side?

Animals tell me that the Other Side is a loving, joyful space, surrounded by souls that honor them and care about them. Most of the time, our departed pets are with our personal soul group, consisting of family, friends and loved ones — both human and animal. There are some instances when animals will come through with an angelic being, Archangels, Spirit Guides, or other people and animals that you do not know.

It feels wonderful to be in this space with them. Imagine floating effortlessly in a lagoon of warm, crystal clear water. The temperature is just right, about 76 – 80 degrees, the air smells fresh and clean, and a calm breeze softly blows. No aches or pains exist as they did in the physical world. Without a body to restrict them, the animals travel back and forth through dimensions with ease, hanging out in favorite spots as they would in life. They can be in more than one place at one time and, again, are not bound by physical limitations.

“ I feel fantastic! ” said a recently deceased cat named Boo Boo. “ I can fly! ” And with that, I saw the energy of the silky black cat whisk playfully around my office.

Animals will often speak joyfully and gleefully about their life here on Earth and rarely want to delve into anything painful or uncomfortable. Their favorite topic is themselves, and their next favorite subject is, well, themselves.

They will also share information about their home, their human caretakers, and other little interesting tidbits. They like to talk about things that are important to them, and the range of topics varies with each animal.

During one session, a deceased dog named Leo kept dropping a tennis ball at my feet, staring at me and waiting for me to throw it. His mom, Katherine, said that was his favorite game when he was alive.

Just think about what your pet loved to do when they were alive, and that is likely what they are doing on the Other Side.


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